Learnings of NEXT-ITS and NEXT-ITS2 Evaluations
The evaluation performed for NEXT-ITS2 corridor has covered the services deployed or enhanced by the Nordic road authorities during the period 2015-2017. The objective has been to evaluate the costs and impacts of the deployments. The impacts of the NEXT-ITS2 measures cover a quite large road network, about 25 000 km. The evaluation was carried out as an ex-ante evaluation. The total estimated effects of the services are considerable, about 490 000 vehicle hours driven less and circa 135 000 vehicle hours less spent in congestion annually. About three severe accidents and 11 thousand tonnes of CO2 emissions are avoided annually due to NEXT-ITS2. The total value of the annual benefits in 2017 will be circa 15 Million €, which can be compared to the implementation costs of circa 33 million € including VAT and thereby comparable to the benefits (the costs without VAT amount to almost 27 Million €).