On route to clean bus services

Nils-Olof Nylund / VTT, Petri Söderena / VTT, Reijo Mäkinen / HSL, Tero Anttila / HSL
Julkaisun kieli
Julkaisun tyyppi
Julkaistu (pvm)
Julkaistu (lehti, yms.)
Transport Research Arena 2020, April 27-30, 2020 (conference cancelled)
Hankkeen tyyppi
Technical development
Energia ja ajoneuvot
Vehicle efficiency
Vehicle technology
Bio and low carbon fuels
Electric and fuel cell vehicles

PTAs have the possibility to act as trendsetters for sustainable mobility. Helsinki Region Transport (HSL) already has managed to cut both local and greenhouse gas emissions of buses significantly. The goals are quite ambitious; by 2025 HSL wants to achieve a reduction of 90 % or more for emissions of carbon dioxide and pollutants, compared to the year 2010. Within the partnership with HSL, VTT has tested more than 200 buses, and conducted several field tests. The technologies and fuels covered include diesel, renewable diesel, ethanol, methane (natural gas, biogas), hybrids and battery electric vehicles, creating a comprehensive database. This paper discusses the progress in the performance of buses with conventional powertrains. Furthermore, it presents the actions taken by HSL to introduce advanced biofuels as well as electric buses in Metropolitan Helsinki. Finally, it presents HSL’s fleet strategy going towards 2030.


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Perustuu VTT:n bussitietokantaan, HSL:n tietoihin suoritejakaumista ja HSL:n kalustostrategiaan
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HSL:n ePELI-hanke
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