Julkaistu (pvm)

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a key technology that is utilized in autonomous systems. However, using AI in such systems introduces also several safety challenges, many of which are related to complex human-AI interactions. In general, these challenges relate to the changing roles of the people who interact with the increasingly autonomous systems in various ways. In this paper, we consider a set of practical safety challenges related to applying advanced AI to autonomous machine systems and present solutions from the perspective of human factors.

Julkaistu (pvm)

The NEXT-ITS 2 project contains a number of measures deployed on the NEXT-ITS 2 corridor and in traffic management centres in order to move from local traffic management towards coordinated and cross-border management of the whole corridor. The objective has primarily been to evaluate the costs and impacts of the services deployed i.e. how the measures contribute to reduction in travel time, accidents and emissions from road transport.

Merja Penttinen / VTT
Julkaistu (pvm)

The evaluation performed for NEXT-ITS2 corridor has covered the services deployed or enhanced by the Nordic road authorities during the period 2015-2017. The objective has been to evaluate the costs and impacts of the deployments. The impacts of the NEXT-ITS2 measures cover a quite large road network, about 25 000 km. The evaluation was carried out as an ex-ante evaluation.

Julkaistu (pvm)

Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää autoilijoiden ja asiantuntijoiden, esimerkiksi viranomaisten, suhtautumista automaattisten autojen käyttöönottoon Suomessa. Pääkysymyksenä oli, kuinka turvallista automatisoituneen tieliikenteen olisi vastaajaryhmien mielestä oltava nykytilanteeseen verrattuna, jotta se olisi hyväksyttävissä. Autonkuljettajien mielipiteitä automaatiosta selvitettiin nettikyselyllä. Kyselyn aineisto kerättiin elokuussa 2018. Mukaan kelpuutettiin vain aktiiviset autonkuljettajat.