Experimental procedure: Deliverable D3.2 of L3Pilot

Hankkeen tyyppi
Informaatio- ja liikkumispalvelut
Automaatio & C-ITS
Käyttäjätarpeet ja -kokemukset

The goal of the L3Pilot project is to demonstrate and assess the Level 3 ADFs in real or close-to-real use contexts and environments in the pilots. However, the pilot nature of the field tests will bring some practical limitations to the possibilities of how to conduct them as described above. To receive meaningful and valid results on impacts of the ADFs, it is important to carefully consider the principles underlying the approach to collect the evaluation data. The project’s experimental procedure was developed to provide a solid evaluation methodology and to ensure that the results from tests across all pilot sites can lead to an L3Pilot-wide evaluation, taking into account the practical limitations mentioned above. Furthermore, the aim is to harmonise the evaluation criteria by providing detailed requirements for the pilots with the intention to create holistic evaluation results of the L3Pilot project.

The experimental procedure should be based on established scientific methods presented in the literature. Consequently, the general rules and principles found in the literature need to be applied to the specific L3Pilot ADFs, their technology readiness level, and their operational design domains (ODDs) paying specific attention to the safety of experiments made on open roads. Furthermore, the experimental procedure defines the role of each pilot site and facilitates the synchronisation and harmonisation of evaluation across sites. Boundary conditions that set limits to the tests at each pilot site are discussed, and an optimal adaption of the common methodology to practical requirements at the different pilots will be ensured.

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