Name of Project
VED – Low-carbon, energy-efficient drones
Kotimainen yhteyshenkilö
0.294 M€
2019-06 - 2021-05
Type of Project
Scenarios, preparation
Technical development
Impact assessment
Energy and vehicles
Electric and fuel cell vehicles
Information and mobility services
Automation & C-ITS
Traffic management and monitoring
Interoperable services (incl. logistics)
Intelligent infrastructure
ICT of infrastructure (telecomm., IoT)
Routes and maintenance

The project develops innovative drone solutions and new environmentally-friendly practices to promote low carbon and extend the use of drone solutions to different applications. This project is a sub-project of three separate research projects comprised in different parts of the country. The aim is to test the environmental impact of drone solutions with the help of pilots. The project will build a pilot and testing environment for drone solutions for companies and researchers in Lapland.

FMI seeks the methods to build energy-efficient solutions to the traffic environment weather services by employing drone-based monitoring and measurement systems. Drones are supporting the road weather station monitoring systems by producing monitoring and measurement data from the larger area around the road weather station and between the road weather stations. The target is to develop an automated monitoring system, in which drones operate between and within road weather station in autonomous manner. Furthermore, by employing combined docking and charging stations, drones aim to operate in continuous manner.

Relations (incl. programs, calls)
Parallel projects in Oulu and Helsinki (by ERDF-program)
Publications related to this project